I will be using the Fern WiFi Cracker open source wireless security tool included in the Kali Linux and Backtrack 5 r3 security distros. Note: For this demo I’m using a lab environment network that is not routed to the internet. Fern Wi-fi Cracker can crack WEP, WPA, and WPA2 secured wireless. And encryption security key or passphrase.

A collection of passwords and wordlists commonly used for dictionary-attacks using a variety of password cracking tools such as aircrack-ng, hydra and hashcat. There should be several such dictionaries.Wpa 2-wordlists.

I think the meaning is clear: you can’t have one best dictionary for all occasions. Bruteforcing the addresses of admin areas, subdomains, directories, files – you need a specialized dictionary with the most common addresses.Bruteforcing a Wi-Fi network password (in an intercepted handshake), we still need a high-quality dictionary with popular passwords, but the larger the dictionary, the better, especially if you have medium or strong hardware.It will take a lot of time, so it makes sense to start only with the most popular sets of words

so that our IP is not blocked by an automatic script, we must make a long interval between attempts. This is due to the fact that most network services have a customized brute force protection.